Recommended CD player below 1.5K

I have intention to upgrade CD player in near future, current CD player is Cambridge Audio 540C V2. Is Rega Appolo a good replacement? I am looking for CD player below 1.5K to match my current hifi rig (see system). Please give your recommendation and review if possible.

Is it make a lot of sound difference between unbalanced (RCA) interconnect and balanced (XLR) interconnect?

Tobias, does the JAS player have a coax digital output?
Hi Tvad, yes it does (I went and checked).
I also love my JAS Audio Musik 1.2 CD player.I purchased it after comparing it to every high end player at a local Hi Fi dealer.These included offerings from Raysonic,Cary,Consonance,Esoteric and others(some costing 3&4 times as much as the JAS).Igot it to put a little tube magic into my home theater system for two channel listening.My Pioneer Elite VSX 59TXI receiver and Canton M70 speakers never sounded so good.The bass is full yet tight,mids have that tube magic presence and the highs are clear,delicate and extended without sounding harsh.It replaced the very capable Perpetual 3A DAC.The Perpetual is more detailed,but on the whole I much prefer the JAS in this system.
