Recommended CD player below 1.5K

I have intention to upgrade CD player in near future, current CD player is Cambridge Audio 540C V2. Is Rega Appolo a good replacement? I am looking for CD player below 1.5K to match my current hifi rig (see system). Please give your recommendation and review if possible.

Is it make a lot of sound difference between unbalanced (RCA) interconnect and balanced (XLR) interconnect?

Appreciate to all response and advice.

Will DAC provide too much details and brightness in music? I love music in concert hall (warm) rather than in recording studio (details).

"Will DAC provide too much details and brightness in music? I love music in concert hall (warm) rather than in recording studio (details)."

Not if you get a DAC with the sound you are looking for. Check other threads on A'gon here for lots of good info regarding how different DACs sound.

I can recommend the mhdt Paradisea as a low cost tubed DAC that might meet your declared tastes. These can be had here for under $500 used which represents a minimal investment for potentially better sound.