A whole new meaning to "live" music

I opened up a Watt 5 unit today to test the driver.

Inside I found a cherry pit and a bunch of uncooked rice (short grain). Seems like a mouse has made my speaker their pantry, having gained entry to it via the port.

Luckily, no mouse poop or bad smells.

Anyone else have similar experiences?
The resonance factor of the cherry pit, as opposed to peach or plum pits, contributes tremendously.
Are you shure there were no signs of a mouse?? Maybe after the first cannon shot of the last time you played the 1812 Overture, the little guy exploded and that's all that was left of him...
I remember someone else talking about finding a bird or a birds nest in their speaker. Talk about a music loving animal, and gives new meaning to tweeters
Great story- Vhuang-

we know that "gremlins" affect computers and the like.
In your case it is "critters" that affect loudspeakers.

Happy Listening!