I bought my Volti Razz without hearing them previously.
Original plan was to attend an audio show to audition them. That plan fell though.
I arranged with "Greg the creator" to come and visit and have a listen. It was a drive sure, but I've driven plenty to go look and sometimes buy sports cars... so what's really the difference I thought?? If I'm not satisfied or turned off in anyway no big deal, I just keep my money and keep looking. (just like hunting for a special car).
In the long run taking the drive to meet Greg, listen to his amazing creations, visiting the super cool shop floor, and having some tasty Mexican was more economical than going to a show anyway. For me the experience and the hunt was a wonderful memory.
I'd like to put it out there. If you are interested in hearing the Razz, or even say my current set up. (Margules ACRH3, Line Magnetic LM 24 CD, MoFi Ultradeck and Parasound JC3 jr. pre and you live within a decent drive of NE Ohio, I'd be happy to host. And no, I'm not an Ax murderer..