I am sorry but i owned a two way speaker box ( 7 inches driver for bass) in his dedicated room and i never had an only between the speakers soundfield...it is recording dependant but with half top recordings album on 100, 50 will fill the room outside of the speakers plane, with front sound sources and back one simultaneously or around the room sound sources ... It is completely recording deopendant with all levels variations possible...no recording engineer use the same acoustic materials nor the same locations nor the same trade-off choices..
Why is it recording dependant ?
Because when room acoustic is lacking the soundfields stay between the speakers nevermind the recordings...Especially with relatively low cost speakers even with good one as mine...
For example i listened a brass ensemble playing Gabrieli music the soundfield is completely divided in two groups of players answering one another , as the music was written by Gabrieli and as it was recorded with two groups facing one another...
The soundfield of each playing groups half the album extending completely out of the speakers by the side coming from each opposite walls... Half of the albums is recorded with the players in depth back of the plane of the speakers coming from the wall facing the listener and in front of the speakers in the room in front of me ... Then with my "traditional speakers" the image was never coming from the tweeters... All that resulted from my heavily designed acoustic room...
It is why as Mike lavigne said , i agree completely with him, that the soundfield variation and dimension and orientation come from the recording acoustic choices ... Anything else indicate design/acoustic related problem...
My system dont compare one second to the resolution clarity of Mike lavigne, but my speakers/acoustic is so good i hear also results coming ALWAYS from the recording... but not with the clear crystal definition as Mike Lavigne system, i dont need to verify this it is evident so satisfying my low cost system is for my needs ... my system value is very low... nevermind the price tag, room acoustic is the main factor in audio not the gear price tag if the basic components are relatively good or passed a minimum quality treshold... But i will repeat even in soundfield location precision and for timbre experience my system cannot even compared with Lavigne, but the soundfield impressions are for me too ONLY recording dependant...
My experience with planars though is the same as you...
My experience with line and planar sources is that the height is actually wherever my ears are. That is, if I am sitting the music seems to be right in front of me, and the same standing up.
Compare to a traditional system where the image remains between the tweets.