AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?


“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”

The song itself sounds like an EDM cover of an old Hank Williams' song; soft sans lyrics.  As it progresses it begins to rise in pitch....the end becomes louder, louder still as it climbs to 'dog whistle' frequency.....but at a level done by a very large compressor, piercing to the point it starts to make glass tremble violently.

Suddenly, the volume drops as it focuses on the woman's' chest, whose clothing goes white from the heat.

Narrowed to the diameter of a softball, it melts through flesh and ribs and heart, stopping immediately when the latter turns into white hot mush....

She didn't even have time to scream...

*beep* "Task Complete.*

Immoral:  Remember, 'puters are terribly literal. 😑

One of the scarier potentials of AI is that it might discover the utility of creating electromagnetic fields to influence wetware. It may already be doing so.

The unorthodox scientist John C. Lilly,  in the years of Kennedy and after , a very interesting character, was thinking so exactly ...How he discovered this is a stunning story, Hollywood could have created with it the greatest S-F movie of all time...

Another unorthodox scientist and seer predicted it in the same term as Lilly but in a less materialist window than Lilly in 1920... Rudolf Steiner..But he predict silicon valley pointing Arizona  as the craddle for the baby A. I. manifestation of this force influencing us through electro-mahnetism ... Incredible seer...

Anyway Lilly an Steiner said the same thing, in two completely different context , but the two inside deep spiritual awakenings,  basically without even knowing one another and way before the actual A. I. emergence ...


One of the scarier potentials of AI is that it might discover the utility of creating electromagnetic fields to influence wetware. It may already be doing so.


Being someone who has had a lot of truck with "mind machines" employing orgonite, rodin coil wrapped crystals, and square wave generators I can aver as to the reality of making people ill or weirded out by invisible EMF’s configured a certain way. Conversely, they can be made to feel exhilarated and "good." The Cuban embassy creep show did not require microwaves.

Part of the reason I hang here at Audiogon lies in wanting to find people of similar experience, such as yourself, who may have happened upon things that hint at electronic processes that might influence music perception in very unusual ways, or just explain something about music apprehension we have not yet figured out.