AI and the future of music

Last night’s 60 minutes featured a deep look at Google’s new AI program BARD. Frightening, yet compelling.

It got me thinking, if their AI has already read everything on the internet, and can create verse, stories, etc in seconds…What could it do for music?

‘Hey , BARD create a new Beatles like song from the Rubber Soul era, but have Paul Rodgers and Jack Bruce singing”.

“Hey BARD, create a song that will melt the heart of my new girlfriend”.


your ideas?


For sure you are right...

The only true intellect is the one grounded into meaning by his root in living DNA network all around the cosmos...But there exist also other beings.. 😁

The problem with A. I. it is that this clear separation between problems and solutions, which dit not exist on the same level of the meaning experience ( as Einstein pointed to : problem cannot be solved on the same conscuiousness level as the question itself ) , because solving deep problems provoke a "change in consciousness" , this clear separation did not exist anymore with A. I. ...As it was the case with slime mold optimization algorythm which was discovered by observing slime mold "intelligent" moves without any brain... But in Einstein reflexion something was forgotten : some deep question contain their own answer and setting the question in the right direction is already the answer... No need to a change in consciousness here as with us humans in our history...This is supreme intelligence manifesting spontaneously as in slime mold behaviour...

This nobel japan scientist OBSERVED that the slime mold "solve" a problem without any conscious working, because his behaviour was not random at all , if the slime mold had not solved the optimizatrion problems when compared to a human competing team of scientists for example trying to solve the Tokyo railroads optimization problem and arriving at the same solution than the slime mold, there will be no Nobel prize for him... Then in a way it is correct to say in a metaphorical way that the slime molde solve this problem as A. I. works more "wisely" than us in some problems or mathematical game... But only humans had values and can RECOGNIZE some hierarchies of problems relating to some hierarchies of values...

A. I. did not have a brain... Neural networks are not brain networks...

With A. I. as with slime mold there is no "meaning" , meaning being the choice of a set of hierarchical values OVER rational behaviour and guiding it toward something which is over reason, over logic and over mathematic itself... Love for example for our wife , for humanity, or for God...They thought rightfully as a possibility that A. I. will program us without even being noticed at all...

Thats the problem...Hinton the creator of this A. I. is afraid, Josuah Bengio say he is afraid , Douglas Hoftstader say he is terrified, and others because they confuse meaning with slime mold optimization and A. I. vastly superior problem solving speed with us and our old fashion "meanings" and values , love and God or the source for example...

Hinton and Bengio are very conscious of the spiritual stakes here...Corporate engineers are very enthusiastic and are not...

A. I. is not a tool no more than slime mold is a tool...

It is a new species created by us with no "soul"... Only S-F writers as Philip K Dick thought about this in the past... Or seers and scientists as John  C. Lilly  in 1967 and Rudolf Steiner in 1920 before Dick...

This is a spiritual moment in history as the Babel tower was one... No need to be religious to know it ... Hinton is not religious... Just a conscious spiritual being...

And there is another "problem" here : consciousness is not the same as intelligence...Intelligence can manifest with what seems low level consciousness and high consciousness can appear as unintelligent... A neuro scientist Guilio Tononi distinguish the two, apart from his theory value or not , i think he is right to distinguish these two concepts... They appear separately also because of the huge scale separating meaningful behaviours from meaningful behaviours and conscious contents from conscious content relatively to one another and even relatively to one self... Slime mold then behave more "intelligently" in some task than a more conscious being with an I. Q. of 90... One human on ten or so exhibit 90 of I.Q. points... We all exist on many levels of intelligence and consciousness each one of us at the same time ... A. I. exist only on one level ... Slime mold exist on two levels at least ... We exist on many levels at the same time...

I cannot prove all that then dont ask for proofs...


To my way of thinking, something is a "problem" if it is defined as a problem. Two clouds are trying to pass by one another and they partially mix on the edge. Did they just solve a "problem"? Without defining something as a problem -- meaningful, to human beings, connected to their future, it is not a problem.

This applies to A.I. It does not solve problems unless those problems have been defined by humans who decide what matters. Could A.I. "clean up" an old recording? Even "clean up" is a shorthand for "clean up for human beings who will tell it what they want to hear, what is meaningful in the outcome."

In other words, the difference between "sound" and "music" is meaning, and only humans make meaning.

The difference between "processing" and "intelligence" is meaning, and only humans make meaning.

Because we’re the ones with a meaningful future worth having.

When we worry, as some counsel (rightly), to worry about A.I., it’s because it could take us on a runaway train away from meaning.



«The Tower stand well and good for now» -- Babel tower engineering corps


«The Tower stand no more but this is a very interesting , we did not understand each one of us no more .. » The first linguist in the ruins of Babel...


«When the Tower was rising, they were very intelligent, united but unconscioully driven ; after the Tower fell they became more conscious of their limits and of themselves as separated » Anonymus Theologian

«The demons consciousness is guided by their intelligence; the Angels intelligence is inspired by ONE consciousness» Anonymus reader of Swedenborg


« My wife may seems more conscious than me but i am more intelligent » -- Groucho Marx🤓

«It seems reading your philosophy that the only way to be right is being  trans» Harpo Marx 😎




Humans have been interacting with AI in the form of so-called "extraterrestrials" for millennia, so it's not really the case that we will suddenly be subjected to some new albatross hanging around our necks. That the ET's have been so reticent with us shows that they are concerned about our minds being able to handle only so much novelty at any given moment in history, and that they are also concerned about, say, our scientists becoming demoralized by encounters with beings that make them look relatively primitive.

ET's appear to be mostly what we would call "AI" though there are species that appear to be something like "angels" who may or may not be using much in the way of advanced hardware or may have grown so advanced that hardware based computation and mentation went away a long time ago for them.

We have seen ET's interfere with nuclear missile bases and military rockets, so it is possible they will intervene with our relatively crude iterations of AI should things be going awry in a big way.

I have witnessed in the sky what are obviously very advanced craft employing anti-gravity. That doesn't mean they weren't "ours." It just means that "AI" level stuff has been with us for quite awhile in a "classified" fashion.

In the Betty Andreasson abduction books by Raymond Fowler there is an intriguing passage about being shown onboard a craft a sort of musical device that emitted unearthly colored bubbles which could be "handled" and that somehow visually reiterated an equally unearthly music that astonished and bewitched the humans interacting with it. This may be a example of how AI generated music will evolve.

On the other hand, it is just as likely that AI could also devote itself to recreating music of the past with a particular accuracy as to notation and instrument reconstruction such that we will be equally "blown away" by things of the past.





I think there exist only two kind of entities physically...

The living one which are gounded on natural biology and rooted in a universal information/formation field and derivatives from it ... From the primitive cells to extraterestrials with humans in between ...

The non living or artificial one which are not grounded on this field... human or extraterretrials A.I. hive mind... All hive minds are the same with their own clock...

in the non physical dimensions, there exist only four species: coming from the source or going back to the source and staying far from the source or staying near the source ... and all others mix of these cycles..

This is my basic spiritual ecology...

The information/formation field at the origin of life for me is the number theory focus : the prime numbers distributions rythm which contain in itself all knowledge as a spectrum... ...Numbers as geometrical forms are the musical shadows of one light or one sound, one intelligence and one consciousness coming from the source ...


«Are you saying that optics and acoustics are the ultimate forms of theology ?»-- Anonymus scientist

«Why not!»--Groucho Marx 🤓

«Is !=? sometimes or never , or is this equality a non commutative one ?»--- Harpo Marx😎



+1, good one, and on the other hand (from ChatGPT):


AI can potentially harm the music industry in several ways:

1. Copyright infringement: AI algorithms can easily generate music that resembles existing copyrighted material, leading to unauthorized use and potential legal issues.

2. Job displacement: AI-generated music might replace human musicians in certain areas, leading to job losses and unemployment.

3. Lower quality content: If AI-generated music becomes prevalent, there might be a decline in originality and creativity, resulting in a decrease in overall music quality.

4. Impact on streaming platforms: AI-generated music flooding streaming platforms could lead to an overwhelming amount of low-quality content, making it challenging for users to discover new and authentic music.

5. Unequal competition: Smaller artists and musicians might find it difficult to compete with AI-generated music created by well-funded entities, leading to a concentration of power in the industry.

6. Manipulation of tastes: AI algorithms can be used to analyze user preferences and tailor music to maximize commercial success, potentially leading to a homogenization of music styles.

Proper regulations and ethical considerations are essential to mitigate the negative impacts and leverage the positive aspects of AI in the music industry.