Guttenberg reviews Volti Razz

Just watched youtube review by Steve Guttenberg on the Volti Razz Decorator. (no veneer). In my view he sums up all I've been enjoying with these wonderful speakers. Dynamic, sweet sounding, engaging, musical... 

Decorator Razz, $2k less than standard Razz. DIY stain and seal. Pretty darn cool in my book!

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I certainly trust your ears and judgment. No doubt that combo you heard sounds terrific!


oh nice @decooney I am sure his Dac sounds fantastic that room sure did. And thanks @charles1dad I appreciate that and it did sound very good. His Rivals sounded better but that's to be expected of course.

@jond Dang! One of these shows it would be awesome to finally connect up with you my friend. I understand the combination of either the Razz and the Rival with the Boarder Patrol is sublime. When I finally got to hear the Razz they were paired with a Cary SLI80 HS. It was a beautiful pairing. It stuck with me and I ordered my own Cary. I’m not sure if it’s quite up to the pairing with the Boarder Patrol… it certainly was more friendly to my bank account.

I am hoping and praying that you all, and all the brothers and sisters here in AG are safe during this crazy weather period we’re having.

I take his reviews with a grain of salt , everything is mostly good 

how many times does he say something is bad ?  I know of a couple reviewers 

who would rather send the product back then give a bad review.

Volti has one flaw ,myself. Modding Xovers for over 20 years 

not only volti but the vast majority ,they use average at best parts quality why ? 
to save $$ most do not experiment like excellent  world class Loudspeaker builder 
Tony Gee. Know for his Capacitor evaluation                                                    Humble homemade Hifi capacitor test  then you can see what’s in your speaker 

and know most are subpar ,the Xover is the  ♥️ or 🧠 of any loudspeaker good or bad , having owned a Audio store ,I know all too well ,for speakers and electronics 

only 25% goes into the product  including packaging ,the rest R&D overhear and markup this is why unless you spend $$ your much better taking a solid design and have it modded , for mfg use a 4-1 markup ratio  

cables can be far Worcester 10-1 ratio they can charge $$& anything they  want for their time and wire geometry,  I use good wire with sound geometries like

Wireworld ,Audio quest. Who have been there ,Cardas , a Litz wire I prefer ,others buy what  they like,