Dust Removal

We live on a dirt road and thanks to certain neighbors who refuse to slow down, we are constantly wiping dust off horizontal surfaces in our house. I'm sure there must be dust inside my components but am not sure of the best way to deal with it.

Blow it out w/ compressed air?

Use a vacuum?  


One way may be to use better furnace filters.  Use Merv 11 to 13.  Also, you can build inexpensive high quality filters out of a box fan and Merv filter. 

Yes, compressed air, but it can lead to short-term condensation, so make sure your gear is UNPLUGGED before blowing any air cans..  Let it sit for 20 minutes before plugging back in. 

Sneak some speed bumps on the road about 50' on either side of your home overnight and feign innocence when asked about it.


Sneak some speed bumps on the road about 50' on either side of your home overnight and feign innocence when asked about it.

Hah!  I really wish I could get away with that -- we get mighty sick of the jerks who use our private road as a dirt-bike race course. But given the attitudes and personalities involved, it could lead to armed conflict, so best not. 

I really feel for you, having to live (survive?) under those circumstances. We were making such progress as a species only to have the bar lowered.

All the best,