Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


on a second thought: the comment policing here is childish at best, terrifying at worst. I grew in a dictatorship (still a dictatorship today, back there) and I am keenly aware of the State destroying free speech and any sign of criticism. Here, on this occasionally fun but mostly silly comment flow dump/absolutely harmless forum, there is zero reason to delete comments that point out the obvious that this framework/engine is so old, so outdated, it's almost like driving a vintage automobile: hard and unpleasant and scary but if you are old, it feels familiar, and brings back memories. For a normal person though, with reasonable technical skills, this site is joke.


... the comment policing here is childish at best, terrifying at worst ...

Really? You’re actually terrified at the way this forum is managed? That’s difficult to comprehend.

This is an audio forum - no more, no less. Don't lose perspective.

I am terrified by the last three years easy CONTROLS of the population..

Those who are not fearful only sleepwalk...

No need to come from a dictatorship to fear the censorship and sheep brain working... I do, and i live in a country directed by a dwarf liar of the WEF..

The moderators here seems to me to do a good job...

But many in the crowds here ask for censorship because they are brainwashed...

Is the site old fashion for his design ? yes, but i could managed it easily...






... No need to come from a dictatorship to fear the censorship and sheep brain working...

This is just an audio forum. You're safe here.