Why is Audiogon insisting on a verified physical address in order to post?

Quick question

I just had to enter a verified address into my profile in order to continue posting here.

Does anyone know why that took place?   I don't really love posting my physical address on user groups like this.    

Did anyone else have to do this?



@wsrrsw My favorite Groucho Marx quote. 😀

I received two other notices of someone "mentioning" me only to discover deleted posts. Is this the audio equivalent of a drive-by? How brave and mature.

I remember a certain someone who's been repeatedly banned doing that as a matter of course from getting his posts taken down by the mods, which of course, led to his getting banned all over again.

History can repeat itself as well as rhyme. 👍

All the best,



A land line is a telephone hard connected to the network via bell wire (the way it all started).

We also have a "modern" portable battery powered phone hooked up to the main line for use on the patio.

The computer is connected to our other (2ND) land line as I feel that it is more secure than WiFi.






Imagine the questions some would ask if you mentioned that you "dialed" up a friend to talk to on your land line.


There is a video out there that shows a couple of younger people being given a rotary phone and told to dial a specific phone number. Couldn’t figure it out..

But I’m sure they can work things I can’t figure out, so no disrespect intended! 


G R O C H O ( an all important segwayed/hijacked/morphed topic in the name, rank and id number thread)

I once read a book of his letters. Much as we do now of going on line in the AM to check things and take care of texts or notes w/ friends, back in Groucho's day they read the paper and wrote letters. He was a great writer more erudite in his letters than his corn ball persona in film.

I deleted one post with a whopper typo. 

“My hearing is perfect, I hear my wife snoring even when she doesn’t snore” Groucho Marx