Here is a negative review of the K340 by a well known and competent reviewer Tyll Hertzens :
Is he right?
No, not at all...
But what he experienced at first listening , i experienced it too...😊
The difference is that he listened to the K340 a few hours and pass to an another headphone more easy to figure out ...
Me i decided to optimize them...😁
There is no mismatch of the drivers as he claims and no comparison between my K340 before optimization and AFTER...
I wrote that because you must know what you will go for before buying ...
By the way i bought by curiosity the K240 too...
So good they are and they are, they dont touch the K340 by far...
I bought them because i wanted to check the passive resonators workings in these two...
Dr. Gorike who designed them was not a mere headphone designer, but a physicist and a genius in acoustic , and one of the founder of AKG ... The K340 was the greatest of all their flagship some compared it to the Onega Stax...But it is even better because of their natural deep bass and a better 3-D holographic image...
A i will never upgrade it...The acoustic soundfield of this headphone cannot be replicated by one singular membrane headphone with no acoustic resonators and an empty singular acoustic chamber...