Learning about crossovers helped convert me from atheist to a believer in God

Let’s see if this one survives.    

I have been an atheist for 50 years.  Recently I became a believer.  One factor that helped tip the scales is the “fine tuned universe” argument - the idea that the physics constants, e.g. the mass of an electron, are so finely “selected” that if they weren’t very close to what they are, life wouldn’t exist.  This is an argument for a creator.  The best counter argument seems to be that there are an infinite number of universes and we got lucky.  

When I got into audio, and started learning about crossovers, I was ASTOUNDED at how well the pieces fit together.  Octaves are exact doubles of frequency.  3dB describes so many seemingly unrelated phenomena.  But the one that really got me was the magic of capacitors and inductors.  They share no parts, other than wires sticking out at each end (usually), one acts due to voltage, one acts due to electromagnetism, one resists AC, one resists DC.  And yet, somehow, they are mirror images of each other, using almost exactly the same equations, behaving perfectly orthogonal to each other, even to the extent of how powerfully they perform their function (3dB again).  How is this possible?  Could this have happened due to random chance?  I smell a creator.  


Go to a more enlightened thread about dac...


I can only give my limited experience...

Oh well

I must admit that I find such inquiry very confusing because, in terms of language, it is very difficult to speak in both dualistic and non-dualistic terms at once.
About the difficulty to spoke in non dual and dual term at the same time we need to think about language NOT ONLY as a vehicle for thought content but as the tought content itself ...Language is an autonomous spirit of his own with a body , the prosaic mode and a soul, the poetical mode level...
The Hebrew noun ruacḥ ( רוח‎) can refer to "breath", "wind", or some invisible moving force ("spirit").
Here We must think about what appear to us "modern mind" as two separate functions of language , because we observe language at a moment in time and not over all his history...
The prosaic meaning "wind" and the so called poetic meaning "spirit" we SEPARATE them after Cartesian dualism...
But cartesian bifurcation as called it Whitehead , is a dead end road... A tree with no fruits ... A moment in the history of consciousness..
now we come to a new moment in time when speaking will became more conscious... The two separated level must be consciously reunited and distinguished , yes, but not separated...And we must not call one primitive and uninformed and subjective and untruthfull , and we must not call the other as objective and informed and trustworthy OVER the other...We must choose the prosaic mode in an engineering speech and the poetical mode sometimes in a more deep matter... Some truths cannot be said out of the poetical mode of language and deep questions cannot even be asked in the prosaic mode alone...
Speaking is a sacred act... Not divisible in two estranged parts... Language already speak with itself , us humans are way less more wise than our own speaking power... Speech come from the source... Silence too....
Then to speak truth we must navigate by two modes of speaking between duality and non duality perspective because we live in these two dimensions at once and we must use language in all his potentialities without negating any of them ... ...
how can we choose "freely" between acts impelled by awareness of Consciousness and acts impelled by the ego?
The act inspired by the higher consciousness are unconditional love and the act inspired by ego is ignorance and fear....
How responsible are we for being "given" a separate identity?
We are totally responsible and totally forgiven... The problem is to learn how to forgave ourself to be able to forgive others ...
"Given" a separate identify, our awareness of our own unitive nature is impeded. This is the inherent function of Maya, no?
We are not given a separate identity , it appears so to us, our own unity with God cannot be impeded because it is perfection , there is only one maya : the ego ignorance of this fact... The ego must learn what our higher self knows already... We must learn how to receive forgiveness from our higher self to ourself... It is very difficult... It takes time...


The beautiful thing about such enlightenment is that the same capacity for abstract thought that serves to enslave the human mind with irrational fear over the disposition of one’s imaginary permanent self becomes the means of it’s emancipation through knowledge of the truth of one’s impermanence; and in that enlightenment, the mind that was previously one’s jailor becomes one’s liberator.

I am only familiar with Vipassana. Perhaps I misunderstand you but abstract thought is most certainly not a means of emancipation in this tradition. It is the capacity for non-identification with any thought. that allows space for meeting life directly, in the present moment, absent interpretations, projections, narratives, etc. Yes; we need the "gate-keeper" aspect of mind to watch the breath and identify the mental states/qualities that arise but this is not "abstract".

I read a story one time that let a mark in me:


It was a disciple of Vishnu praying all day, "all is Vishnu"... Someday an elephant going amok was running against him , the cornac cries with a loud voice to go away...but the disciple immersed in his prayer stay there , and almost died crushed by the big animal... Then he asked why hurting me O Vishnu ? But he received soon the answer , the cornac hearing him said i am Vishnu too and i cry to you to go out of the road and you did not listened...

deep joke !