Twoleftears, as you may be aware tube amplifiers having output transformers should not be operated without a speaker or equivalent load being connected, especially when signals are being put through them. Assuming you are still using the Cary SET amp listed in your system description, it occurs to me that when you connected the amp to just the high frequency section of the speakers you were running the amp unloaded across those parts of the spectrum where the great majority of the energy of most music is concentrated. I say this given that the crossover point of your speakers is a bit higher than 3 kHz, as shown in
Stereophile's measurements, and the rolloff of the high pass part of the crossover below that point appears to be a fairly rapid 18 db/octave.
Which leads me to suggest two things:
1)Don't do it no more :-)
2)I'm not certain of this, but it seems to me to be possible that the anomalous sonics you heard when only the high pass sections of the speakers were connected might have been the result of amplifier misbehavior resulting from the improper loading. So I'm not sure that any of those observations were meaningful.
And perhaps the differences you observed with the new tweeters vs. the original ones were simply due to what would under normal circumstances be inconsequential differences in their parameters.
What I would suggest is that with a little Googling you should be able to find a test record or CD you can order which has a set of 1/3 or 1/2 octave warble tones, or something similar, the set of tones covering the entire audible spectrum. That would allow you to very readily tell whether the tweeters and their associated crossover elements are working properly or not, which I don't think any of us can say at this point with any certainty.
Good luck. Regards,
-- Al