I'm going to buy my first tube amp. I need honest blunt opinions



Recommendations please. I am thinking of dipping my toes in the tube amp water.  For the longest time I have been tempted to buy a modest tube amp to run my Monitor Gold 300’s at 90db.

I’ve been toying around, researching the different characteristics of SET, class A, class AB, B Ultralinear tube amps for months. It’s a bit much. As far as the reviewers go, they are too vague. They are afraid to be upfront honest.

Sources are a Parasound JC 3+, a Innous ZENith Mk3, and a Oppo going to a Benchmark DAC, then all go to a Benchmark LA 4 preamp that will feed the new amp.

My room is 16 x16. The speakers have a 12-foot spread. I sit 14 feet back, so it’s not that big of a room.

I have narrowed it down to four candidates.

A used Canary Audio M90 300B Tube Amp at 24RMS,300B push-pull stereo triode Class A $4,000

A used Jadis Orchestra Black, 40 RMS, Class B $4,000

A 16-year-old, Used Cary Audio Six Pac Monoblock’s, 50 triode watts A/AB $2,000

A new Dynaco by WILL VINCENT 35RMS Ultralinear $2,300



@marshinski15 , @soix has given you excellent advice. Four Ohm speakers are usually not the best way to be introduced to a tube amplifier. If it has an output transformer (and most do, but not all) you can lose as much as an octave of bandwidth in the bass department. Distortion will be higher too, and even though the output transformer might have a 4 Ohm tap, it will be less efficient so you'll have less power (although that will only be a few Watts at most). In addition your speaker cables become more critical.

If your speakers were 8 Ohms I would say any of the amps you listed would be fine.

I think the Jadis and Cary would likely be good choices. I agree, that with Benchmark stuff a really warm amp will probably greatly enhance the sound.


But a question on your setup. That is a huge triangle you have for listening. Do you get solid center image and homogeneous sound stage between the speakers? Have you tried an 8’ to 9’ triangle? 

@soix +1

@atmasphere +1

I'm using a pair of Atma-Sphere MA-1's to drive a pair 8 ohm 87 db efficient Wilson's with great results, but I'm also using subs to drive every thing from 177 Hz on down. If I wasn't using subs I would want to find the highest impedance speaker that sounded good to me that I could to use with a tube amp.

I agree with Quicksilver, and I would go for the 100W KT Mono amps, not the Mid-Mono. 90dB is loud, and the Mid Monos would squash dynamics at those levels. I suggest staying away from the Cary amps because getting tubes for these babies requires big $$$, plus they run hot, plus 50W I feel is not sufficient for your purposes and speakers. Just my 2Cents worth.