Thanks for the appreciation... You are a "connoisseur"... 😊
The AKG K340 is my audio king , i bought the zotl for it...
The M-Audio AV40 , i bought 12 years ago , is a masterpiece at peanuts price under only one condition : a very small corner ( i used foldable screen ) acoustically prepared for it...If not i discarded it as without interest 12 years ago....The room was too big and i had no acoustic understanding at these times... Hopefully i kept it... For casual listening it is perfect...I used also "minerals" on my connections... Some think i am a "tin foil hat"... 😁 With all that i enjoy with 100 bucks speakers a soundfield as good if not better than most headphone... But the tonal timbre and space representation and deep bass with the K340 is no match for my little speakers even if they are so good i am astounded by my 100 bucks 12 years old purchase... I listened non stop for the last 2 days to refine my acoustic installation ...
Yes i have this village Vanguard series i listened often... Evans is an artist i vouch only admiration but i am not alone...
Here i prefer to recommend to all unknown or under the radar musicians... I dont think that miles Davis , Chet Baker, or Evans need me and everybody know their name.... Monterose for example i even never read his name and it is interesting ...