Why Can't Modern Tube Manufacturers Make a Proper Tube?

Current tube manufacturers, at least the ones I have tried should be utterly ashamed at their ineptness, apathy, ignorance, or whatever it is that makes them seemingly unable to make a tube properly.

And I never knew what I was missing before I tried reclaimed tubes from the 1950's, an era where people build things instead of ruining things.

The present manufactures are said to have the actual machinery to make tubes for which they have examples in hand and schematics on file, but they just can't do it.

Is this a case of Idiocracy? Are people just stupid today? The world and all creation do follow the 2nd rule of thermodynamics so I guess this is the case.

Listening to Black Plate RCA’s and Mullards in my system, even for a short time made it glaringly obvious that modern manufactures are embarrassingly inadequate. There is absolutely no comparison.

Why can't modern tube manufacturers make a proper tube?

1. lack of IQ?

2. Apathy? 

3. Lack of Materials?

4. Lost knowledge? 



I'm testing out the durability of the Linlai 6sn7 tubes compared to my kenrad's, the kenrad's don't sound quite as good as the Linlai, but I'm still on the durability stage, the Linlai have only been on a year on 24/7 , the kenrad's were on 24/7 for 3 years and still sounded good. Only time will tell now.


I replaced modern GL AT7s and AXs with old RCA and MULLARD and the difference was night and day.

I currently am using modern GL KT77s and I have no idea what original tubes will sound like.

@facten I know someone who has a quad of barely used NOS Shuguang Military 6L6GC (pre-1970, not blue box)  available if you are interested.

@mulveling  It’s a wonder young folks aren’t flocking to this hobby lol.

AG is nothing compared to the Harbeth user group. Try posting anything about a tube amp there. They'll rip your head off and stake it. 

@macg19 AG is nothing compared to the Harbeth user group. Try posting anything about a tube amp there. They’ll rip your head off and stake it.


The proud new owner of my former modded Cary V12R tube amp, and his Conrad Johnson mono tube amps - runs his Harbeth 40.2s amazingly well. I also heard his 40.2s with his very best CJ Mosfet solid state amp too. Nice, but the more special tube amps performed at an entirely different level of sound and engagement in his particular setup. 

Some tube amps are more capable than others. Not every tube or amp works well with some speakers. When you find a great match, results can be truly rewarding.



@jtcf decooney I am thinking the same about how many people have actually tried several new production tubes before dismissing them as sounding horrible...

Yep. I’ve not let go of my best Mullard, Sylvania, RCA, Tungsram vintage tubes yet (keeping them hoarded away for no good reason), my preamp and mono tube amps now run all current new-production tubes. Tubes from Psvane, TJ Full Music, and Tung Sol too. With patience, i’ve found some (not all) new production tubes can benefit from letting them burn in for 100+hrs. It can make a nice difference. True for my 6SN7s, 12Au7s, 12At7s input/driver tubes, and, KT120, KT150 output tubes. As many of us have learned through experience, buying new tubes from a trusted seller who actually tests and ranks their tubes matters too.