As far as build quality, I think Aurender is best in class at most any price point. And, I think the conductor app that runs their systems is very good. Not as good as Roon for meta data, but arguably better than Lightning DS (Auralic), BluOS, and Lumin’s app. I haven’t used Innuos Sense so I can’t comment there. Aurender is a safe bet.
I will note that I had an Aurender N100H which I sold and upgraded to an Auralic Aries G2 streamer which was clearly better than the N100H. But, Aurender now has the N150 - which I haven’t heard. I’m guessing it’s a significant upgrade over previous units.
Sound quality I think it depends more on the favored input of your DAC. The Auralic Aries G2 via USB or SPDIF is very good but it is substantially better via their proprietary lightning link (“LL”) - significantly better than any other connection. But that connection only works with other Auralic gear. So again - I think you’d want to know the preferred input on your DACs. Some DACs are better w/ SPDIF, some w/ USB, some with their proprietary connection like mine.
I would think Aurender would get the nod for DACs that prefer SPDIF or AES/EBU. I think the other streamers are probably fairly competitive if using USB.
You can buy a used Auralic Aries G2.x for the top end of your budget. If I were looking for new in that range, I’d probably go Aurender. Again - it’s the safe bet to sound very good, be reliable and well supported.
Just be forewarned - better streamers can make a very significant diffenence. Listen for spatial cues and openness. You may find it leads to the proverbial rabbit hole where you start considering going even further upstream. And, they’re quite responsive to cable upgrades too.