I will add that we are in the same situation with the question of what a "sound" is...
There is no scientific consensus about sound and hearing... what is a sound perceptive quality and information and how we access it ...
There is no practical definition for “music” other than “created sound.”
We know though a little bit more than what you just said here... This is your opinion indeed but not a fact...
First one thing is sure, music created by man is a "sound" production related to the human body/brain/ears ... This is not my opinion here... But a fact...
Then there exist a root of this created "sounds" in the human body...Music and language are born together and are coming from the same root which is the body tripartite basic systems.. ...This is also a fact...
Must i add that this is my opinion to calm you ? ... 😊
Music is not about our taste only , music must be learned the same way in which we must learn how to act our body , that was one of my point; then there exist some different music with different healing and informative power...All is not purely relativistic and about our given "tastes" here as you seems to suggest ... Music grounded in a tradition has not the same value for me than commercial music... And yes the line delimiting them is not clear at all... This is a fact and also an opinion here... 😁
Sorry but there is a value hierarchy that cannot be imposed but is easily spotted by musicians learning their trade... A yoruba drummer for example know this, he know the difference between meaningful rythm which "speak" and rythm which did not "speak" in his language ...
( the best book on music i read is about yoruba drum and sound perception and meaning by the way ) 😋
As in litterature, harlequin litterature is not Dostoievsky or Mark Twain...
i will add that is is my opinion for sure ...
Who s opinion could it be ? mine...
is it the absolute truth ?
But i bet i am not alone here with this OPINION.... 😊
In litterature as in music we MUST LEARN how to understand and appreciate, because our innate taste means little, it is a beginning not an end ...Comic books are not Kafka...
By the way each musical traditions contains an history of consciouness through the way the spirit/body relate to sound in a specific way , extending in millenia sometimes...It is a fact not my opinion ...
Do not say then that in your opinion, all opinions about music are equal, because they are not...
No more in music than in litteratrure and science.... Music is not only a consumers leisure tasteful choice... It is way more IN MY OPINION... 😊
Again, beyond “created sound,” there is virtually no practical definition for what music “is” or what it “is about.”
By the way my statements are not " erroneous" they are incomplete .... Calling them "my opinion" or not had nothing to do with their POSSIBLE meaning has you suggested in your own unsatisfying and at the end erroneous relativistic perspective...
Music express sacredness and values not only esthetical arbitrary meaningless choice as a consumer purchasing a product instead of another...
Music also contain a part of our consciouness history which is hidden in sounds and rythms...
This is why all musical traditions of the world matter and why we must learn from EACH OF THEM... This has nothing to do about tastes...
@mahgister Quick fix:
Qualifying statements like,
- “music is about visible architecture and rhythmical times”
- “music is not about tonality versus atonality”
- “music is about feeling, willing and thinking”
- “in serialism music is disconnected of the natural rhythms of human metabolism”with a simple statement of “in my opinion,” or “in my experience” cures such statements of their erroneousness.