I take a relaxation break from Russian jazz and from Billy Harper magic...😁
I just listen today to Wes Montgomery Riverside collection...
A must have astonishing 12 cd box ...
I just add another modification to my self amplified small speakers by the way ... I am amazed...
i ask myself why people throw so much money in gear and not so much in music albums...
An audiophile system nowadays cost peanuts if we know what to buy and how to embed it... i am mystified by people who want to invest a fortune in a dac... 😊
Anyway.... I listen music not so much to sound , except these last month because i tweaked my new small speakers to their optimised acoustic treshold ...( with bundle of straws in the rear porthole to increase the bass driver chamber volume and i use a cardboard empty paper roll fixed around the tweeter to increase the focus and separation from the other driver : results is imaging better and better timbre and better bass extension ... Cost peanuts.;.. 😁 Nobody can believe this for sure... Most people believe in money not in acoustics...
For casual listening many hours a day i use my small astonishingly good speakers now in my basement acoustic corner ... But for a sacred more dedicated listening hour nothing beat my AKG K340 headphone...It would need a costly set of speakers in an acoustic room...
Pat Martino and Wes Montgomery are really guitar geniuses... Grant Green too...