If I rip all my CD's to flac files do I still need a CD transport?

I'm in the process of ripping all my CDs to .flac files with Exact Audio Copy. If I see a verified rip with no errors, is there any point in considering upgrading my CD player? Would I be better investing is a quality streamer and DAC?


I have a CD player that's been collecting dust for two years after I put all my CD's into a storage system.  Sound wise no difference in my system that's why the CD player hasn't been touched in two years. probably should sell it. 

If ripping and streaming is done right, CD player no longer needed.  EAC should be fine (I tried it early on years ago)  but I ended up with dbpoweramp and can only recommend that one accordingly.   It's a waste of time IMHO to spend the time ripping and then streaming if one ends up going back to CD.   Just do it right and welcome to the 21st century!

10,000 cd albums takes the 4 walls of an average room...

Would you add 10,000 more or rip them all ? My house is a smaller one now...

I ripped them all...

I invested more money in music than in the gear anyway ...😊

I prefer my actual very good low cost system, which is audiophile one believe me, 😊 to a higher costlier one with ten times less music...

I own 100 Chet Baker albums...

I kept 15 versions of Bach art of the fugue... 5 versions of his complete keyboard...

I own rare Indian and Persian music....Streaming this is not possible...

I prefer files format of cd or vinyl....

Many music albums are not even on the market anymore....

I am a music lover first and last  not only an audiophile....

Long ago, when storage was expensive, I ripped everything to AAC to save space. I’m now selectively ripping some CDs to FLAC. But only some.

Probably 85%+ of my CD collection is now available as a high-quality stream on Qobuz. For those, I don’t feel the need to rip them. Only albums that I can’t get on one of the major streaming services wind up on my NAS in FLAC format.

The added benefit of this is, using Roon, I’m much more likely to explore related music based on the metadata, leading me to explore more, as well as learn more about those artists I like.