Stenheim Alumine 3 vs. Sonus Faber Amati G5

Anyone able to compare these two?  My electronics are Macintosh 611’s, with a C22 pre-amp and MSB front end, streaming only.  These would be my end game speakers.  Thanks for any thoughts!


Just another perspective but personally I'm not a Sonas Faber fan, yes very musical but just doesn't move me like a Jeff Joseph speaker does. At Axpona this year a pair of Franco Serblin Ktema speakers were one of my favorites. Went back at least 4 times and they never disappointed. Out of my price range but the sound is still in my memory. 



My Amati Traditional throw a sound stage beyond the speakers on both sides and deep behind the wall behind them. The speakers are nearly five feet from the rear wall. The speakers disappear.

It took effort to get here. I started with the speakers crossing the streams behind my head… and now pointed straight out. So, work within my space was required to get them to perform their best.


This is now my third pair of Sonus Faber… the first an experiment to prove they had the musical / natural sound I thought they did after 35 years of electrostatic and ribbon speakers. Then Olympica 3 and finally these. Each step proved more and more that the incredibly natural and musical sound was what I was looking for.


I have run out of auditions of highly detailed and horribly distorted high frequencies with my hands clasped over my ears. Music is what I want to hear, not incredible detail of the violinist in the third row moving his foot while subjecting my ears to over biased amps with all sorts of high frequency hash and distortion. I want to enjoy the music.


Used to own Stenheims, I’m not just going off reviews. The Magico comparison is off base.

Incredible speaker, very little innate “sound” to them, meaning they sound like your electronics. With Mac and MSB, I expect that would be a very fine overall balance. if you’re in NE Fidelis would give you a home demo.