theo OP
I have a few reel to reel tape decks, and a box of parts, including a few of those rubber reel holders. It’s out because I was showing it to a friend with a Luxman PD444 which has a motor that partially lifts the platter off the bearing surface. You would not want a heavy hold down on that player.
I use a heavy Audio Technica Weight on my JVC Victor TT81, those DD’s are beasts.
Many LP’s need the center pushed/held flat, I would use the lightweight rubber holder as a matter of course. Surprisingly many of the 180 gram LP’s I buy come slightly warped, and need their center held down.
I bought the Wayne’s Outer ring to add perimeter solidity, unfortunately the wide/raised/sloped edge of the JVC spinner just touches the bottom of the ring's weights.
It’s on the porch, I gotta sell it, I keep forgetting.