I go back and forth about purchasing another RS2T. I love everything about the sound. And at the price, it's a bargain. The CD Box reminds me of a Fiat ("Fixing it always trouble") my neighbor once owned. When it was up and running it was a dream.
I agree TMR is a terrific dealer. I have had nothing but terrific experiences with them. They told me they wouldn't ship another RS2T until Pro-Ject/Sumiko addresses quality and customer service. I would like to add it CD Box back into my system, but at this rate I may be too old to fully appreciate what it has to offer 🤨
I've heard the Meitner MA-1 V2 DAC. It's very, very nice. I imagine you have terrific synergy. All best on your sonic journeys. I hope you find your "Holy Grail."