SNAKE OIL! A new TV Show hosted by David Spade

Maybe we will finally get to answer the age old question if cables are snake oil! Fox is producing a new TV show on Wednesday nights called “ Snake Oil” hosted by David Spade. I’m not sure what the details are but I’m going to send a message to the producers letting them know about our dilemma. Maybe will finally get to know.

I met a fellow member on here who is a writer in the television industry. He wouldn’t tell me what shows he worked on but if you are out there and you know somebody over at Fox please send them a note and some cables! L O L

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Mpingo discs, carbon fiber outlet covers and cable lifts. Snake oil?  I think not!


You had a good opportunity to talk about a TV show, which was titled (perhaps in irony) of a subject us audiophiles often discuss.

But the topic has already derailed, since you mentioned a network.

In other words, you forgot to put on your “kid gloves”



IIRC, some years (decades?) ago there was talk in the AG’s office of NY of making a case against Monster Cable for fraudulent claims in their promotional material.  It was never pursued, presumably because it mattered so little to the public interest…unlike for example tainted meat or defective cars.  Like GRAS medicines, the supplement industry, and homeopathic remedies, the government stays out where belief systems intersect with commerce. Our little hobby included.  

“Snake Oil” is a purely emotional response used by people on these forums who, unable to prove their point blurt out these words like a child throwing a temper tantrum. I see irony in the fact that these “Audio Science” people are so quick to use this term. So quick to turn to emotion because they lack the “science” to prove their point or realize their argument does not stand up to scrutiny and so must resort to emotional responses.

The deniers refuse to accept the strange and wonderful surprises in this hobby called audio but at the same time seem to be religiously committed prophets commissioned to rid the world of HiFi.

This hobby fascinates a number of scientists, engineers and inventors who often stumble upon ways to improve audio before it is completely understood. The Wright Brothers had little knowledge of fluid dynamics but their propeller design was remarkably efficient given their work was largely intuitive.

We even have one person on these forums, a denier that claims people lie to themselves to believe that they hear a difference.  Perhaps people claimed the Wright Brothers only thought they were flying back 100+ years ago.