John Strohbeen from Ohm Acoustics passed away

Hello everyone ….

I wanted to share with everyone that John Strohbeen passed away …. I just left his memorial service at BWAC (Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition). John’s passion project ( other then Ohm).

My condolences to his friends and family and to all the audiophiles in the world … I think the attached video says it all …..

To the Ohm community he gave us all the gift of what he would say “seeing the music …”

Missing my friend everyday ..


Sometimes Digital Evangelist at Ohm Acoustics



yes was in the hospital  for about 6 weeks and was I think 80 .


best regards 



I just hope he had a transition plan in place because it would be really sad to see such a unique and respected manufacturer again go the way of Thiel, which was just tragic.

I had a phone conversation with John some years ago. I told him about my find at Goodwill of a pair of Sound Cylinders for a song! John was surprised and remarked that they typically sold used for around $1200/pair! I still have them in use and will always remember John with fondness!