Room Too Dead

Hello All,

I am looking for advice and ideas on how to condition my Home Theater room.  I built the theater in my unfinished basement.  The foundation walls are covered in insulation and vapor barrier.  Instead of construction walls to cover them, I chose a "pipe and drape" to cover the walls.  I believe that the room is too dead.  It seems to affect overall soundstage in the midrange range.  Does anybody have experience with this problem and ideas to add a little "excitement" to the room?  Thank you all.


Should point out that the Tube Trap experience I had was in multiple rooms of different sizes. It’s also possible the actual problem I had was with additional absorbers in the room.

Still, I was mightily unimpressed by all the ASC treatments that show. I don’t remember which show it was but I think Pass was also sponsoring the show, so there were a lot of rooms using Pass electronics that time. That’s another story. :D

Without measurement, and using my poor acoustic memory, one possible explanation was a broad suckout of lower midrange. 

All those who are suggesting that the room needs to be lively miss the point completely. The need is to reproduce exactly what is recorded, not what is distorted by room interaction. A dead room does NOT interfere with the signal coming from the speakers. A live room distorts the signals by creating echoes and resonances that change the tonal balance and the sound coming from the driver surfaces.


Using near field speakers and sitting a couple of feet away from the speakers eliminates almost all the room effect. That’s the real beauty of that kind of design.


It's not hard to remove the room from the reproduced music.  Just fill the room with artificial ficus trees, 5' to 6' in height.  They are excellent diffusers and are inexpensive when compared to "audiophile" room solutions.  

A live room distorts the signals by creating echoes and resonances that change the tonal balance and the sound coming from the driver surfaces.

You mean like what you’d hear if you were listening to a band in a room?  Oh the horror!  Maybe all music venues should be lined with wool so there are no reflections whatsoever.  That sounds fun! 

It's not hard to remove the room from the reproduced music.

Yes, it’s called headphones.  If you wanna listen to a high-end audio system the room is part of it and you work with it like it’s a component.  Or you can listen in a rubber room.  No thanks.



+1 on too many reflections distorting  the signal. It’s better to be over absorbed than under absorbed. 

I’d say hang some framed politcal posters in strategic points in the room. This will provide more reflected sound and will definitely "liven things up" when your closest friends (for the time being) get together.