You cannot buy knowledge and we always pay for ignorance...
Good advise and worth repeating.
Have you considered a career in hi-end audio?
One key to building great systems over time.
One of the great things about participating in an audio forum like this is that it exposes you to users with all sorts of experience levels. Analyzing questions, I find myself assessing the person’s experience and then going back to that time in my history. I have been at this for fifty years… and I am constantly called back to my first few years when I was working to make sense of the whole environment.
It dawned on me that one aspect that really helped me was learning to focus on “main stream” highly reviewed (professionally) audiophile equipment.
When you are young and have few pennies you have to take chances on “giant killer” components… and off beat / new astonishing technology. You have lots of time and little money. But looking back, after the first few chaotic years of swapping this “astonishing” component (that had a couple good attributes, but a lot of weak ones)… I slowly realized that the components that stayed in my system (like for 10 years or more) were highly reviewed components from respected high end companies. Back in the late 70s’ early 80’s that was, as an example: Audio Research, Threshold Pass), and Nakamichi.
They cost lots more… but, if I would actually buy one… well, my jaw would drop… and I would realize… holy cow…so worth it! My search for that component would end.
Over the ensuing decades, putting together a fantastic upgraded system has become much easier. The last couple major upgrades I have made… ~$45K to $75K and finally to $150K have had completely predictable results been the most fulfilling of my life. The decisions were simple.
So, for those just starting out… trying “highly touted” giant killers is a necessary way of assembling a system that is outside of your budget. But this also leads to lots of disappointments and equipment churning.
I think my advise is to read lots of professional reviews (they are not all perfect), listen to that equipment when you can, and invest in these well regarded audiophile company components as soon as you can… or sooner. As a beginner, you don’t know what you don’t know… so companies with long histories of being at the very top of they fields are very likely to outperform in ways you are not aware of.
I am talking about companies like Conrad Johnson, Audio Research, Boulder, Pass, Wilson, Sonus Faber, Rowland, Aurrender, Magico, Transparent. That is not an exhaustive list.
I hope this is helpful to those trying to make sense of this very complex and contradictory pursuit.
Good advise and worth repeating. Have you considered a career in hi-end audio? |
Never... I only experimented enough to know how to embed rightfully three audio basic system... Many here are more talented and knowleadgeable in audio and gifted in craftmanship work... I am not... I only tried hard for many years to reach a relatively audiophile sound at low cost and i identified some problems others did not identify clearly as the triple embeddings controls at low cost and basic acoustic to optimize specific ears/ specific speakers/ specific room relation... Thats all... I discovered against all odds or most opinions by experimenting that it is possible to reach good sound with all acoustic factors well optimized at relatively low cost...Most people dont think nor believe that , they are too much gear dependant and not enough interested in acoustic to experiment and study it a bit...Then they stay vulnerable to marketing and their experience is limited to a good or bad components synergy... They dont experience the impact of all three embeddings controls together if well done... Then only costly component upgrade make sense for them to improve the synergy between components ... No acoustian bother themselves with price tag when they create a room for a specfic pair of ears and a specific pair of speakers, if the basic audio system is relatively good and synergetical to begin with ... Acoustician know that the sound source is the room/speakers and the ears inner filters and structure and the HRTF not the files, the vinyl, the R2R or sigma dac or tube dac etc nor the amplifier etc, all components like cables are only vehicle for some information going to the SOURCE of the sound experience which is acoustically all acoustic factors linked to the ears/head/speakers/room... Then playing with acoustics is more impactful in shaping the sound than changing a good amplifier for another good one in most marginal upgrade which are most upgrades... Upgrading component work when for some level of price there is a bad synergy between components, it does not work anymore and easily when for some level of price you had good synergy... And i prefer low cost system well embedded generally to higher costly one badly embedded ... Most people would pick the reverse choices..😊 I would be tempted too because i know how to embed any system at any price, acoustics dont change with price...
Not sure I agree (respectfully). I don’t think there’s just one path, and I think there are actually a lot of boutique companies out there that have not yet - and may never - achieve widespread appeal and coverage by the mainstream audio press. And in some cases, this may have less to do with engineering than marketing (or even serendipity). So for example, I have 3 different systems, and I think I may have only have a couple pieces that fit your description - Audio Note speakers and Koetsu cartridge in my big rig, and Ortofon cartridge in my vintage system. (Not sure where you come down on restored vintage pieces like Garrard and Thorens idler drive turntables or Altec horns.). I have boutique brands from all over the world - Leben and Triode Corp from Japan, Synthesis and Gold Note from Italy, Audio Creative from the Netherlands, Reed from Lithuania, Okto from the Czech Republic, Acoustic Zen and Fern & Roby from the U.S. - and I am extraordinarily happy with the quality of the sound from each of my systems. Traditional, well-known and reviewed brands may be a safe (and sometimes expensive) approach to achieving what we are all seeking, but I think there are other, credible paths. Having said that, I love your system! |
Thank you for your comments.
I really do not think we disagree. I am definitely not saying there is one path. I am pointing out that there is a path, that while still requiring lots of work, has a much higher probability of long term success. There is a real long term learning curve over time for listening and often values. You constantly don’t know what you don’t know yet. Yes, exactly as you say, I am saying it is a safer path to take… I think that captures it. The path has lots of markers… it is not thrashing around the woods so much.
I have actually spent more money (early on), thinking I had found this wonderful component, only to find I didn’t when I learned more. Are there boutique components that hold up to the big guys in all respects… yes, but they are far between. Those are the budding new companies that will eventually become main stream.
1)After 50 years in audio, I’ve learned a few hard and valuable lessons. I started working in stereo shops in high school and became addicted. I have heard almost everything currently available at high end retailers and shows. My best advice is as follows; 2) Listen to a $1000 system and then a 5K system and on up the ranks. If you’re not impressed, don’t invest. 4) If you don’t have a decent room, the best equipment will sound very limiting and disappointing. 6) I have never found a dealer I fully trust. I have been burned by them many more times than private party sales. I am referring specifically to after sales support as much as what they sell you. 7) Off brands, mods, and custom made one of a kinds are high risk. 8) Buying used or demo gear is great, but not usually cutting edge unless spending a great deal of money. Used loudspeakers are higher risk because of how they were run and handled previously. 9) Digital audio takes more money and time to get right than vinyl. 10) At some point, spending more just becomes an expression of addiction and ego. 11) Great cables, power supplies , RF, and vibration control really do make a big difference. 12) Enjoy the hi end while you can because we are a dying breed. Portable audio is taking over.