CD Transport

I’m looking for a cd transport (my DAC is the Bricasti M1 S2). I’m considering this 3 options; Audiolab 9000CDT, Primare DD35 and Teac 701T.

Your opinions, please.

Thanks in advance for your help. 


For those who feel CD transports do not sound different, I invite you to our listening room where we have Audiomeca Mephisto II,  Metronome, Marantz, Cary, and a bunch of streamers to compare with your own ears.

You are limiting your search to CD Transports when there are CDPs that also have digital outputs that you can use.  For instance the Marantz model 94.  Old but one of the best sounding stand alone CDPs which can also be used as a transport.  There are so many pieces to consider but most importantly get one and have it modified especially in the power supply and you will elevate the performance tremendously.

Happy Listening.  


For those who feel CD transports do not sound different, I invite you to our listening room where we have Audiomeca Mephisto II,  Metronome, Marantz, Cary, and a bunch of streamers to compare with your own ears.

I don't believe the dogmatic "All transports sound the same" types would accept your generous invitation to listen to the excellent choices you have. They're too bias and rigid in their mindset. Negative confirmation bias on display.


I have the Primare CD35 which I believe has the same transport as the DD35 and it's terrific...I had serious problems with 2 Sim CD player transports, though Sim service was great though not cheap...also problems with Nuprime transport and Nuprime service was non existent...