CD Transport

I’m looking for a cd transport (my DAC is the Bricasti M1 S2). I’m considering this 3 options; Audiolab 9000CDT, Primare DD35 and Teac 701T.

Your opinions, please.

Thanks in advance for your help. 


Yeah that one and the Bricasti should make sweet sound. If it does not, I would be very surprised indeed. Tell us your thoughts later.


Yeah that one and the Bricasti should make sweet sound. If it does not, I would be very surprised indeed

Yes, should sound splendid!!!


Congrats on your settling on the CD3 Mk3! Here's a link to Michael Lavorgna's review of it. He flat out loved it. Just read it every now and again until it arrives and it should leave you in a good place until then. 😄

All the best,

Personally, if your deck has support for I2S, I would not consider any transport that lack support for this protocol. I can tell you from personal experience, the disparity between an AES connection and I2S is quite significant..

I presently have the PS Audio DMP player and it’s superb and built like a tank. Their new iteration is said to be as good if not better. If your budget permits, I would certainly consider that.