CD Transport

I’m looking for a cd transport (my DAC is the Bricasti M1 S2). I’m considering this 3 options; Audiolab 9000CDT, Primare DD35 and Teac 701T.

Your opinions, please.

Thanks in advance for your help. 



Yeah that one and the Bricasti should make sweet sound. If it does not, I would be very surprised indeed

Yes, should sound splendid!!!


Congrats on your settling on the CD3 Mk3! Here's a link to Michael Lavorgna's review of it. He flat out loved it. Just read it every now and again until it arrives and it should leave you in a good place until then. 😄

All the best,

Personally, if your deck has support for I2S, I would not consider any transport that lack support for this protocol. I can tell you from personal experience, the disparity between an AES connection and I2S is quite significant..

I presently have the PS Audio DMP player and it’s superb and built like a tank. Their new iteration is said to be as good if not better. If your budget permits, I would certainly consider that.





I have a CEC on the way. There are a lot of choices and very difficult to compare them side by side. I like the ergonomics of the unit and the fact that it is a time-tested design with US service

A friend of mine had an upper level TL2 for a number of years.

It is a high-quality CD transport and from my observation quite reliable. He did have to change the drive belt from time to time as they tend to stretch after awhile. It is also a well-built top loading unit as well. There are definitely very good options available for those who continue to greatly enjoy the physical media CD.

FWIW, I have been using a CEC TL5 for some time, and am very happy with it. Note also that it is fairly simple to replace the belt, if or when necessary.

Love my Rega Apollo as a transport! Nice analog sound. Yes transports sound different.