Speaker Cable Recommendation

I'm wondering if someone could recommend a pair of speaker cables.  I have looked at Nordost entry level, but they may be too thin for my system. Looking for cables that may add some "weight" to the following system.

Decware 300b tube amp (8watts),  Klipsch Forte IV,   Holo May Dac, PS Audio BHK Pre with 12AU7 input tubes. My room is 20X12, not treated, vaulted ceiling, fair amount of glass. Not a great room :) In the $1,000.00 range

Thanks, Mark


I have Kimber 8PR old style in a 3/5 biwire with my Decware Mini Torii and Ref 3A de Capo speakers.  Have also used this setup with a pair of Klipsch Quartets  Great cables for a great price

@marktheshark there are a lot of great recommendations here. You should reach out to The Cable Company that has a lending library and try a few. Only you and your system can determine what will work for you.

Don't get mired down in the theater around here or the pontificating by certain members around here in particular @tvrgeek.  Personality I like @stereo5 recommendation and the Canare S411 cable. But heck a cable costing more may be the ticket for you. I find the only constant in @tvrgeek engineering is that he cannot afford it he shites on it using some so called analytics (engineering speak for bs and can’t afford it), it doesn’t matter what the topic is either, DACs, Cable, Amplifiers, Ethernet Switches. His bias is obvious in his one quotes “ I can not afford it as a retired civil servant on social security” think that sums up his engineering. 

CL, Only on this forum.  Your comment is proof.   Woodworkers and British car owners seem far more rational. :)

ORT, What do you think is different with horn speakers?   What is amazing is the price and NO specifications to justify it. 

z23, I can only find their interconnects on e-bay. WEB not up. Some of their construction description makes sense, basically a low dielectric constant coax. Might qualify as a "good" cable and a nice find.   No specs though.  Shame they then fall into the total snake oil side like cryogenic connectors. Degrades their credibility where they may make a good product. Pandering to the "believers" I guess. 

lak, At least Vouge offers some details that are sound engineering.  Low C, but what is the L and R which have been shown to be more significant in a speaker cable.  11 gauge and silver alloy maybe decent DCR.  I would want cold-weld/crimp or soldered terminals, not set screws.  Compare their pricing, high but not insane, with the companies who have no specs and just advertising!  Are they an actual premium product find? 

Bay, Break in:  About 10 seconds after a voltage is applied depending on the dielectric. Darn physics again. 

Are there means to try some of these cables for 30 days and see if they really make a difference. Money is not the object here, I can and have spent plenty ... although I just use OFC (oxygen free copper) 12 gauge and I honestly can't imagine that dumping $1000 or even $10,000 on speakers cables versus $100 is going to make my speakers sound any better. 

(for prospective with regards to amp/speaker equipment, etc, I have McIntosh amps and Utopia speakers) 

Side note, I often wonder why something like Noalox is not used in the speaker connection world, it's used for electric power panels on the input power lines to increase connectivity, the grease itself can carry voltage, and it would seem like it would help keep oxidation off the copper connections as well (if using raw copper)

Doesn't matter. Is it possible that wires people believe sound "thin" because the wires are thin? Baffling.