Ayre CX-7e vs. Bryston BCD-1


I'm in the process of getting a different CDP. Has anyone compared the Ayre CX-7e with the Bryston BCD-1. Any feedback would be welcome!
I was in the market for a new cdp also when my audio research cd2 bit the dust on me. I listened at lenght to the Ayre and Bryston players and preferred the Ayre. The Bryston did not do anything wrong and sounded quite nice for the money, but the Ayre was and improvement I feel across the board. The Ayre was more lively sounding with more of a forward sound, but was cleaner with a bigger soundstage.The system consisted of the Ayre mono block amps with a Levenson pre and Thiel 3.7 speakers.
I must add though that at the same audition I preferred the Linn Majik player over the Ayre on that system and on Jazz music.
My listening was done by the way at Gifted listerner audio in Centreville Virginia near the D.C. area. I forgot the gentleman who was the owner who spent time with me but I must say it was a most enjoyable time, no pressure, took his time , I felt very comfortable and could just listen to the music. A rare dealer in this high pressure time.

Good Luck!
While this post is not helpful regarding this question, I wanted to second how good Gifted Listener is! It is owned and operated by an individual and he is great to work with. I have purchased several items from him long distance and he has cheerfully spent quite a lot of time with me on the phone as I ask all manner of questions. Really a joy to work with!
Try the Ayre C5xe...it will knock your socks off. Make sure you listen to anything with the name Ayre on it in balanced configuration. It makes a big difference.
Thanks for the input. Another player I forgot to mention was the Cary 303/300 any thoughts on that one capared to the Ayre or Bryston? Thanks.
i have not compared the 2 players,but i have a cambridge 840c,i had musical fidelity a5 and a1,and i like the other players,dont get me wrong im not bashing the bryston,i have a 4bsst and there bp26 pre,and was wishing to have a mached set, but was not impressed,so i kept the 840c 4 now