Ayre CX-7e vs. Bryston BCD-1


I'm in the process of getting a different CDP. Has anyone compared the Ayre CX-7e with the Bryston BCD-1. Any feedback would be welcome!
Try the Ayre C5xe...it will knock your socks off. Make sure you listen to anything with the name Ayre on it in balanced configuration. It makes a big difference.
Thanks for the input. Another player I forgot to mention was the Cary 303/300 any thoughts on that one capared to the Ayre or Bryston? Thanks.
i have not compared the 2 players,but i have a cambridge 840c,i had musical fidelity a5 and a1,and i like the other players,dont get me wrong im not bashing the bryston,i have a 4bsst and there bp26 pre,and was wishing to have a mached set, but was not impressed,so i kept the 840c 4 now
I am interested in the Bryston BCD-1 CD player but cannot find any retailers in the San Francisco Bay area. I talked to Bryston and their Rep is supposed to let me know. My guess is they have no retailers in my area (I cannot believe it). I need a CD player that runs balanced to my Ayre AX-7e connected to my Quad 12L Speakers. And yes, I am also looking at the Ayre CX-7e MP CD. Any comments on the Bryston BCD-1 and the Ayre AX-7e amplifier?

While I've never directly compared the two.. I too prefer the CX7. I will say there is definitely a system synergy with Ayre as well and it would be a better match for your AX7e than the bryston.