surface noise reduction

My Ortofon MM Red cart seems to emphasize surface noise.  Does anyone know of a decent cartridge [under $1000 please] that tends to reduce surface noise, particularly slight scratches?  Yes, I use a record cleaner. 



of course I agree with you, thanks

boxcarman, others

OP has a MM cartridge, messing with loading is all about MC cartridges.


just to clarify the basics:

what specific Phono Stage do you have?

and, what Preamp model, input are you plugging into?

you need to set that phono stage on either PASS, or 47K (not using the MC settings).

Same for any MM cartridge.

Then, Phono Stage, IF it has RIAA Equalization built in for MM, goes to any LINE level input.

IF it is simply a MM PASS thru, then it needs to go to/thru a true MM Phono Input, which performs RIAA Equalization AND boosts the MM signal to Line Level.

SOME Preamp’s PHONO input are simply an input for labeling, those require RIAA already performed elsewhere, they are simply a Line Level Input labeled phono for convenience, corresponding with a front input selector labeled Phono. Usually, those do NOT have a ground nearby; while true Phono inputs have ground connections.


Any people as frugal as me, I found this old post with details

Being frugal, non-scientific, I wash mine by hand in batches 10 at a time while listening to music. See 11th photo here

Cover the table with a plastic sheet (picnic table cover)

The Kit:

I mix other stuff with the cleaning fluid that comes with the kit


I get my Distilled Water at drug stores like CVS or Walgreens. I find that the staff often do not know where it is in the store, but it is there

Then 91% alcohol (not available in Covid times)

Next, I use a bit of Jet Dry ’Finish’

Scrub vigorously with Baby Scalp Brushes

Protect Paper Label with the Lid from a saved Chinese Soup container, looks like this

Scrub by hand, the spinner is only distilled water rinse, remove excess water with lint free cloth, final dry in the rack.

Amazing how good nasty LPs left over from the 60’s can sound, especially when playing deeper in the grooves with advanced stylus shape

I don’t know about styli being major determinants of the level of ticks and pops, but if Mijo is correct, the SoundSmith OCL can be added to a wide variety of good but inexpensive cartridges for the price of a retip. Using a low output cartridge per se ought not to be a panacea, because you need to add a commensurate amount of phono stage gain to hear the music, and that would likewise make LP noise as audible as with a higher output cartridge.

Thanks, everyone, for the tips.  I will try some of these and reply as soon as I have success.

I puttered around in relatively low - mid end tables and cartridges through about 1980. Like the second coming of the AR TT, Philips, and Gerard… with cartridges like the Shure V15 Well respected, but low to midlevel and absolutely not audiophile.

I took the plunge and got and audiophile table and cartridge. That was a VPI Aries and a Van den Hull Frog. I don’t think I have ever heard such a stark and jaw dropping change in sound in my life. The surface noice just disappeared… gone. I had no idea it was even possible. The difference was so large I felt rather stupid for not doing it sooner. Since then every audiophile turntable / cartrige I have heard has been virtually void of surface noice. Ok, really terrible vinyl has noice, but even that isn’t obnoxious.

So, here is the problem. I really want to claim it was mostly the turntable. But I never put a Shure V15 on it. Once I was into the audiophile arena I just never wanted to go back. I have listened to some modest Rega and not been impressed with their lack of surface noice.

So, here is what I think. Save up and replace both the turntable and the cartridge. Jump up a level… think about 2x for both cartridge and table. My feeling is that super heavy tables in the lower audiophile categories are quieter. At least from my experience.

I think this would be far more effective than trying to substitute a maybe less sensitive or warm cartridge.