@rodglaze I think you've been living in a box for >5 years! have you not read any of the comments, including mine, of the awful and attrocious 'service' they now (do not) provide? It's a joke. On us. As for them being 'smart people' - really? Smart people would not have allowed this once premier company with a previous great customer service record, to go downhill in such a spectacular way. Their 'new' website they're proffereing, still, is over one and a half YEARS old, and is still a mess. As @cey says, a 12yr old could fix it in minutes - are they all asleep over there?! They, Magnepan, are becomming the biggest joke company in the Hi-Fi industry, which is a great shame as their speakers are fantastic (I own 1.7i's).
@crustycoot says they've just introduced a new speaker, called the 2.7i, but I couldn't find anything on their 'new' website for that product. It's strange that they've actually started to build a new speaker line, IF they have, when they can't even supply speakers in their current line up, or even support them when things go wrong (as in my case!). And there's almost zero info anywhere about a 2.7i, which, if true, and ever available, I would be VERY interested in.