I got close to disgust again at lack of response from OP's, found and re-read this, gave me a shot of 'stick around', thanks
If you expect validation in the form of comments here, you're usually going to be disappointed. However, there's a much larger body of "lurkers" who read and appreciate but don't comment. I sometimes get a very nice PM or hook up on a sale with someone who's familiar with my postings on various groups. I enjoy participating here on its own merits, but it IS nice to get occasional validation too. But if you're not seeing that appreciation manifest, then just remember there are MANY silent audiophile out there who DO actually appreciate it :) |
mulveling,You are correct, sir, there are lots of "lurkers" on this forum and, you are correct again, we do read and appreciate the "wiser one's" contributions.I consider myself mostly a lurker, but I'll take this opportunity to say Thanks to All contributors. |
It’s nice to get some feedback, especially after one has put some time into a thoughtful post, but no one is required to respond, of course. What amuses me about many OPs are the ones that ask for help, get responses, and without addressing any of them in their second post announce that they bought component X. They must have created the thread 5 minutes before they hit buy on the purchasing site. They probably didn’t want feedback but by creating the post hopefully created some clarity for their decision |