Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.





@tubebuffer's icon is a grand hoot. I see he posted up until Jan. 2022. 


"'diet' if you must" is good advice.

I'm going into the hospital today, testing, see if I qualify for a clinical trial of a new Heart Mitral Valve (and it's less invasive insertion). If yes, keep me and do it.

No, then it goes down to a repair job, using clip(s), keep me, do it.

In either case, I won't be yapping so readily, and second phase of diet: I usually lose weight when in the hospital or in-patient rehab due to indescribable food. 

I got an infection in the bone of my foot, went into hospital Halloween 2022. After this and that, I was -34 lbs. Put some back on, recently got rid of some of that. In that year, Covid twice (got it in the hospitals); Pneumonia twice, trial drugs that nearly killed me, carried out on a stretcher, ...

Despite all that, I've managed to yap quite a bit.


My son, we call him Rescue Man, worked for 3 rescue squads, EMT for hospital, town and college, travelling educator, now a Fireman.

When I was younger, he told me, when they carry the elderly on stretchers, move them from gurney to rolling bed, move again to hospital bed: They call it 'Slinging Lizards'.

This time, all these years later, I'm on the gurney, he's there, concerned, I say, I guess I'm a Lizard now. Cracked him up. Donna wasn't laughing.


Good luck sir. I wish I had your constitution. Every time I get put down I gain weight:-(

Wish you nothing but the best moving forward. Like reading a book, this is just one chapter ending and another will begin. Unfortunately, you are correct, I certainly wasn’t meant with kindness when I joined this group not long ago. I responded on a thread and advised someone to check out a DAC I own and was basically attacked. I guess people on this forum should remain quiet for a year or more before contributing to any thread. The person treated me as if I was a bot from Russia. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. However, the level of respect and rudeness is seriously lacking. If you agree with some people, life is good, disagree and you may be subject to getting cancelled on this forum. Like you, I find a few gear specific forums much more helpful and a lot less critical. An expert in there field with endless years of experience encounter pushback all the time on this forum. Reading comments on this site can be interesting to say the least. I would encourage you to just take a break and come back after a few months have passed. Based on the comments on this thread, people value your opinion and candid feedback. Don’t allow the “vocal minority” or just plain rude people drive you away. Some, certainly not all, long term members on this site have a sense of entitlement and possess a high degree of negativity - they are right and you’re wrong mentality. In this case, their ears can hear no wrong.

May the new year bring you health and happiness!