it is very simple... The less someone know about sciences the more materialistic he become with age... ( see Dawkins and others )
The more he know the more spiritual he become...
Is it a pure random effect that all the greatest mathematicians of the world , not some professor at harvard or Princeton, i spoke about the super genius in science are all "mystics" ?
In the past the exemple dont lack... Think about Blaise Pascal or Newton or Leibnitz...
Now go to the founder of set theory Cantor, a pure mystic who created his theory reading Dyonisos treatise on hierarchies ...Even Cantor method comes from spiritual contemplation ... I can even explain it how and why but it is not the place ...
Go to Ramanujan who spoke each night with Namagiri about number theory ...
The founder of all modern algebraic geometry and topos theory Alexander Grothendieck wrote a book of 1000 pages about God and dreams ... ( i have his 2 huge books )
Nowadays there is plenty of techno-cultist materialist, who knows nothing out of their fields , who flirt with atheism, materialism and transhumanism ...The dude who like the most science is "dr." Bill Gates and look at what this fool is doing across the earth...Look at all the harm he has done in the last years for profit..
Now in audio people live intimately with their soundfield, but if psycho-acoustics taught us how to create a good stereo sound, as Dr. Choueiri the last genius in musical acoustic taught after many others psychoacoustics dont explain even the way we identify sound qualities... ( scottwheel will not contradict me about Choueiri he own the BACCH filters) 😊
Now these discoveries dont mean that we know how the ears/brain create "meaningful" sound with all this information coming from his environment but also from many unknown factors working on the sound perceptible qualities coming from a vibrating sound source and perceived by a human as such and such qualities meaning such and such ... Humans are not microphone at all ...
Ok i spoke too much...
@maghister. I agree. Look we have opinions and I respect every one’s right to have an opinion but we have all different systems and to tell someone it’s not possible when the are listening to their own system while some are typing their scientific theories is beyond me.