Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums?

I think we have.  I have seen many discussion on audio forums and how nasty they can become when you have people disagreeing. Seems like there are a lot more know it alls now. I been in 20 years and I can still learn.  But I also know I know quite a bit. Like cables can enhance the sound and higher end well designed gear can truly be ear candy special.  Is this just on audio forums or the internet period. 


“you can hear my system through this forum post? Ok I get it !”


I don’t think you get it. Nothing I said could even remotely be interpreted as me claiming to be able to hear your system through your posts. I don’t need to hear your system to know that basic cables are audibly transparent. There is nothing about your system that changes that fact. You may very well be using audibly colored cables. I don’t know. But I’m here are some high priced cables that do act as low pass filters and audibly chandelier the signal. I do know mine are audibly transparent. 

It almost sounds like you're living with absolute certainty that we know norhing. That none of the 100+ years of research in psychoacoustics taught us anything at all about human aural perception. “Let us assume that you can't hear 20khz or above?” It’s not an assumption. Literally millions of human beings have been tested for their frequency range. It’s almost like saying “let’s assume gravity is a real thing.” Do you really think wave interference patterns that affect the sound in the audible range are a mystery that none of us ever knew about and are mysterious and unmeasurable? If ultra frequency sounds manifest a wave within the audible range we hear it, if it isn’t masked, and we can measure it. AND any basic cable will transmit it without any audible distortion.


going back to the early days of Bell Labs about 100 years ago to current times there has been a massive amount of research on what we hear and don’t hear. We know for example that the total distortion in a basic audio cable is so low that it’s hard to say for sure if what is being measured is actual distortion or just thermal noise. It’s around -140 db. We also know that no human being can come close to hearing any noise or distortion at -140 db. And there is no recording or source component either digital or analog that can produce a signal that doesn’t add at least 20-30 db of noise and distortion. Analog sources in particular aren’t anywhere near that. And we have numerous controlled tests that clearly demonstrate this inaudibility. 

We also know, based on a large body of research that humans can not accurately compare an aural memory to real time sound. Not even close. And we know through other studies that it is a cause for humans, all humans, to misidentify differences in sound where none exist. 

“There are indeed all kinds of PhDs working 16 hour days doing research. What is really dumb is to think that they continually miss real audible phenomena that is only detected by audiophiles under non controlled conditions.


Did you know that for GPS to even work they have to use algorithms to make real time adjustments for time dilation due to special relativity? The sati lights are literally experiencing time at a different rate of Han we do on the ground because of the speed of their orbit Do you have any idea the level of sophistication and degree of precision that requires? Do you think the same scientific research and engineering that allows for that is missing something in cable transfer function that only audiophiles are detecting?

it is very simple... The less someone know about sciences the more materialistic he become with age... ( see Dawkins and others )

The more he know the more spiritual he become...

Is it a pure random effect that all the greatest mathematicians of the world , not some professor at harvard or Princeton, i spoke about the super genius in science are all "mystics" ?

In the past the exemple dont lack... Think about Blaise Pascal or Newton or Leibnitz...

Now go to the founder of set theory Cantor, a pure mystic who created his theory reading Dyonisos treatise on hierarchies ...Even Cantor method comes from spiritual contemplation ... I can even explain it how and why but it is not the place ...

Go to Ramanujan who spoke each night with Namagiri about number theory ...

The founder of all modern algebraic geometry and topos theory Alexander Grothendieck wrote a book of 1000 pages about God and dreams ... ( i have his 2 huge books )

Nowadays there is plenty of techno-cultist materialist, who knows nothing out of their fields , who flirt with atheism, materialism and transhumanism ...The dude who like the most science is "dr."  Bill Gates and look at what this fool is doing across the earth...Look at all the harm  he has done in the last years for profit..

Now in audio people live intimately with their soundfield, but if  psycho-acoustics taught us how to create a good stereo sound, as Dr. Choueiri the last genius in musical acoustic taught after many others psychoacoustics dont explain even the way we identify sound qualities... ( scottwheel will not contradict me about Choueiri he own the BACCH filters) 😊

Now these discoveries dont mean that we know how the ears/brain create "meaningful" sound with all this  information coming from his environment but also from many unknown factors working on the sound perceptible qualities  coming from a vibrating sound source  and perceived by a human as such and such qualities meaning such and such ... Humans are  not microphone at all ...


Ok i spoke too much...


@maghister. I agree. Look we have opinions and I respect every one’s right to have an opinion but we have all different systems and to tell someone it’s not possible when the are listening to their own system while some are typing their scientific theories is beyond me.

It almost sounds like you’re living with absolute certainty that we can’t trust any of our senses. How did we ever survive before measurements?

Your retorts are littered with appeals to authority and red herrings that have nothing to do with audio except that very exacting devices are needed to discern them at their extremes. Within those extremes lies the areas that we can hear and that’s where our ears come in: to choose what sounds best to us.

I have lots of old, basic cables that don’t transmit without audible distortions of sorts that I keep around for whenever I come across a new piece of gear. Once that gear has settled in to my satisfaction, I’ll break out the older cables to see how they effect the sound and sure enough, they do what they’ve always done: distort audible parts of the sound and back in go my reference cables. End of story.

All the best,


we know very very much and can measure very much....there is also very very much we don’t know and very much we can only sort of measure, and lots we cannot correlate accurately to hearing about which there is much we know and much we don’t...we all do what works best for us...I’m very happy with my system and it seems most of us here are happy with their systems, despite the numerous ways we put them together and make our choices...