Is it important to long demo or own HIGH END gear to have a fair accurate view about it?

I have heard a lot of opinions about high end gear on the forums but a lot of it comes from folks that don’t own it. They bash it because of the price. Which I understand on one end but many don’t own, haven’t long demoed or even heard a lot of higher end gear thoughts? Please no personal bashing just your opinion? 



You bet Ron. Because of the subwoofer array and high crossover point (100 Hz) the ESLs will easily achieve concert levels. People think of Quads when you mention ESLs which were not the most reliable speaker going and by themselves not capable of serious volume levels. You can't hurt Sound Labs speakers. You'll saturate the transformers long before you can do any damage to the diaphragms. 

@jafant long time no talk to my friend. Well I’m letting the pilium integrated and soulution 746 cd player  get some hours on each in my system before I start grading with each. Will listen for a week and then play with power cords a little on each component. This will be interesting. The Pilium is 230 pounds. Took 2 guys to carry it in.  The Soulution 746 cd player has its own power supply. I owned the 540 previous before I purchased the INFIGO AUDIO METHOD 4 DAC. My dac has a very open airy sound with great space and decay. Will see how this pairing of the Pilium and Soulution 746 works out. 

Is it important to long demo or own HIGH END gear to have a fair accurate view about it?

This seems somewhat backwards. Don’t we usually research gear first then purchase to try in our audio chains? Then subsequently we’d discover if we like the change? Agree it’s always best to demo in one’s own audio chain.

@mahgister i understand your point. But with that being said. I mean highly engineered equipment that sells at higher price points because of the alleged build quality and technology etc. 

i understand you too and if i could i will buy better speakers than what i already own even if after my modifications i am more than happy ...

My low cost speakers will not beat my past Tannoy dual concentric acoustic potential embedded right ...

My point was only made to put emphasis on acoustic basic more than on price tag and better quality design ... Between the extreme and the TOP of gear there is the majority of average products neither  mediocre nor highly refined... Here acoustic knowledge make a huge difference ... Thats my point ...

I never negated the common place fact that we get also what we pay for ... Common place fact are implicit and i dont need nor to endorse them nor to repeat them , anybody know that... But few people has experienced the huge transformative power of acoustics ...( not mere few panels on a wall as most thought, thinking about acoustics)


I wish you a happy new year with plenty of luck and a good health for you and your family ...😊


@mahgister i understand your point. But with that being said. I mean highly engineered equipment that sells at higher price points because of the alleged build quality and technology etc.