Lowest priced MC thats better than a Premium MM?

I’ve only used MM’s with my Technics 1200Gr with Luxman Phono Pre. I’ve used a couple AT "540ML" series, a Ortofon black, KAB Concord with 40 stylus (very close to Ortofon Black in sound) and my current Nagaoka JT80BK (which I love). I tend to change cartriges (and keep them with headshell intact) at a point to where the stylus still has around 40% -50% life. I sometimes I switch out and listen to my older ones for a change of flavor.

I’m now wanting to try a MC however, I want to keep it under $1200 or so. An Ortofon SPU would be fun to try, however, from what I've read, I do not think its a good match for my tonearm. For my 1200GR, can anyone recommend a good MC Cartridge. I’m tempted to try a ZU modified 103r. Thoughts?


AT33PTG/II was/is my choice. It is better than my MM's, and friends bring their MC cartridges here, we compare, subtle differences, 'preferred not better'.

always compare specs, for imaging look for widest channel separation and tightest center channel balance. consider tracking force when comparing.

it's 0.3mv signal strength, combined with coil impedance 10 ohms are a good relationship when choosing SUT or Phono Stage's xFactor/resultant impedance 'shown' to your phono input.

recent thread about SUT/xFactors/Impedances




I’ve been playing a Benz Micro Glider SL through first a Musical Surroundings Nova III phonostage, then a Quadratic MC-1 SUT (for reasons). For over a year now I’ve been enjoying its reproduction of sound.

I bought mine through Kron out of HK some time ago (actually pre-covid, then forgot about it for well over a year - seriously ill from covid), It was $600 well spent.

I’ve seen them advertised for around a grand lately and I can’t recommend it highly enough.


I would just get a grado cart like a $1000 Master3 it has a new elliptical diamond that is way easier to set up and less fussy!

You may want to consider a Hana ML. Read some reviews. Available new around $1200.