Using PA Speakers In A Home "Audiophile" Application!

Hi guys,

I am a bit inspired to explore/trial usage of a pair of PA speakers at home after i attended a live event recently. 

I looked at some Yamaha PA models and zoomed in on one that isn't too huge/heavy, relatively easy to move around perhaps. 

Are there any audiophiles here who had relative satisfaction trying such speakers at home? I am also thinking that this may not be a great idea, but, just curious at the moment.



Home theater, absolutely.  "Audiophile" stereo/surround?  Not so much. (Using JBL 212, 215, 225 and 18" sub w/about 3000 watts of power.  Hard to beat for home theater.

@OP - the Toddalin clip gives a fair impression of what PA speakers sound like reproducing music - and that's a pair of fairly high quality speakers. Each to their own, but PA speakers are built primarily for generating high spls without blowing up and for ruggedness of transport. Their sound quality is in inverse proportion to their dB per dollar. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it.

Once again someone conflates music "production" with music "reproduction". As indicated above, live music will certainly sound more dynamic and free flowing on most any sound reinforcement speaker. Not the same thing as reproducing a recording of music in your home.

If you truly want the best of both worlds, look at the recent Klipsch Heritage offerings. Dynamic, expressive, detailed and refined.


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As previously mentioned, several brands like JBL, Klipsch & Altec ( in the past) offer both home & pro “PA” speakers which are very sensitive, dynamic & can play loudly while still sounding quite good without straining. Often the difference between their home & pro models was primarily the cabinet style & finish  & terminals for connecting to an amp. 

Volti Audio Rivals use Italian made pro drivers by Faital to similar effect and look and sound great in a home environment. You may want them out. Of course, it’s a matter of taste but Their big, open & effortless dynamics bring a realistic, live sound that not many high end speakers can match.