I wanted a modern tube amp (remote volume) that sounded as good as my Fisher 80az mono blocks. amp or integrated (keeps options open).
I took a chance on a used Cayin A88T, usa 120v. Love it. based on very positive 6moons review. (6 moons site is not loading at the moment)
preamp section: 6sl7 and 6sn7 tubes, other models use more traditional 12...x. These 6's sound terrific.
triode mode: 22wpc; alternate ultra-linear mode 45 wpc.
all my sources go thru my vintage tube preamp, thus tube to tube sound: but occasionally I hook up something directly to the Cayin.

It sounds great, Love it. it came with 6550’s, I changed to KT88’s, prefer them.
I see some out there now new and or used, but they are 220v. 110v come up on hifishark/ebay/reverb ... randomly.
this shows it well, perhaps they can sell you a 120v version
MK2 has desireable external bias meter. (mine is MK1, internal bias, pita)
Built like a brick, Innards, all hand wired, very impressive.