Starting a Classical Vinyl Music Collection

Don't have much so I'm wondering where to begin.



Classical Vinyls seems to be everywhere and cheap, thrift stores


if you cant afford a RCM then get a nice carbon fiber brush

I've actually have a ton of old classical vinyl, but the're pretty beaten up. Lots of static and pops.

I've got a local HI FI shop and they have a klaudio record cleaner.

They charge $4.00 a disc.

Going to give it a try.

Anyone familiar with the Klaudio?

Well, at $4 / album it’ll take a while to amortize the $6,500 for the cleaner.

I think it is a great idea to try their cleaning. Some albums are “cleanable”… as in it makes a huge difference… some not. With experience you can learn to tell by looking at them (well, most of the time).


One of the major variables involved in what used vinyl sounds like is your turntable / cartridge. There is an huge drop in noise with an audiophile table. Part from the table and part from the cartridge… the stylist most older records were played on old record players with big stylists… so a high end cartridge drops down into the groves further and they can sound much better as long as they are clean(ed).


What is your system? There is a place under your ID to put photos. Very helpful for us to understand your system and where you are coming from.


I'm kind of in the same boat, although I just started with some Mahler, not for any particular reason other than I had liked what I'd heard at some point. I also have quite a few modern (avant garde?) composers that I've never really listened to so I just put them all through the VPI cleaner - it is indeed loud, but it does a pretty fantastic job. I just use earplugs when I am in cleaning mode. Looking forward to some headphone listening tonight.

Where to start?  Apply the same as CDs.

Classical music?  Gosh.  Sooo much to choose.  Genre.  Composers, Orchestras, Conductors, solo artist, style,,,,,, Movies!  Honestly, I don't like ALL of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven... scores.  I have favorites amongst them. Older record labels.   EMI. Dusch Gramaphone.  Older Living Stereo.  RCA  ??? red label?

Search Classical Music Classics on the web.  Get familiar with some names.

Stream or Youtube  those selections to see if they are to your liking.

Listen to classicals on National Public Radio. 

Search record labels like Mobile Fidelity, Sheffield, Telarc..  They probably cherry pick their selection due to their investment into remastering, recoding techniques...

Look for Compilations.  One disk with different composers or selections.  Best Of _______.


Where? Thrift stores. garage sales, auctions.  Here, Agon!!!  Visually inspect them if you can.

Sit while doing auction searches.  Lessen the chance of injuring yourself when you fall by the prices.