The SET folks say that the first watt is the most important. Some of them get by with 5 and I’ve heard even less.
In other words, quality over quantity but you need enough to drive your inefficient speakers.
Is more amp power always better...?
Asking advice on what power Amp/int amp I should buy for my room size...
I have a small listening room. 11' x 10'. I have 89db speaker sensitivity I am going to buy a solid state amp.
For best audio quality (ignoring all other factors), my question is:
Do folks advise "Buy as much watts per channel as you can afford"? -OR- "Buy enough watts for the room" as more watts in reserve do not mean better quality audio?
Put another way: are more watts in reserve better for audio quality, even if amp does not use this power?
Thank you...hope this was clear.