Fritz Carbon 7 SE MKII

So I have read and listened to 4 reviews on the Fritz Carbon 7 SE MKII speakers.  Wow these sound like hands down the best speakers made for $3K and under. Does anybody on the forum have hands on experience with them. One of the things I was wondering of course is ur take on them and how they may compare to speakers that are more expensive.


I purchased a pair of Carbon 7 se mkii’s from John in 2022.  They are paired with a Van Alstine power amp and preamp. They are lovely sounding speakers.  Very engaging but not showy.  They aren’t hyper detailed and just present as natural and relaxed but all the information in the music is there .

I think they are designed to be friendly with pretty much all amplifiers and will be just as happy with a more budget amp as with an super refined amp. 
John has a very generous trial policy so testing the waters to see if they’re right for you is easy.

AS an owner of the Carbontse mk2s I can second all the aforementioned. If truly interested in these speakers give John (Fritz) a call. 

I drive mine with both a tube and a SS amplifier in rotation, each rated at 20wpc.

I had a pair of Carrerra BE's that Fritz brought to me in San Francisco about 3 years ago; they.replaced Harbeth Super 5's, which were really not the best for the music I like, which is rock. They're great and sound wonderful; I also tried a pair of KLH Model 5's and enjoyed those for awhile, but ended up selling them and keeping the Fritzes. I sold the Fritzes in Autumn of 2023 and replaced them with much more expensive Marten speakers... For the money, you really can't top the speakers that Fritz makes, and he's a really good guy, too. 

I have listened to them several times and I find them terrific values at anything under $10k. Exceptional parts quality.

The only possible negative is that if you are enamored with certain "high end" speaker's sound you'll find them too laid back, on the other hand if you've played the merry go round long enough you'll hear them as very neutral and transparent.

Like all speakers, they do benefit greatly from room treatment.  They sound much larger in a well-treated room than in one which is very reflective.

I have done two reviews of the Carbon 7:

Written --
Video --

I had the speakers for about 6 months. I compared them with many other speakers and tried them with several different amplifiers.

I would be happy to talk to you if you wish. Message me if that's of interest.