Incidentally, I could not find the scanspeak sticker mentioned above on any of the Suprema pictures. Not sure if it was a joke or not.
Finally...subwoofer that's aesthetically pleasing!
Saw these in a trade mag.
$750K for the set according to the article.
If one has the wallet for this kind of excess-HELL YEAH!
I personally think a pair of the old Stradivari would compliment the subs more than the Suprema towers. Perhaps not a sonic match, but that would only be a $20/30K goof-put those in the guest room.
I have to contact SF to see if they’ll sell another pair of subs for my SWARM setup.
Suprema Tech Specs | Sonus faber
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If someone has the dough for this type of extravagance, just commission Franco Serblin, the man behind SF and have him design a pair of your own Suprema's? For one thing, design a magnetic setup so as not to ruin the look with those cheap fasteners SF still uses. $1,000,000+ McIntosh & Sonus faber Suprema Loudspeaker System at CES 2024 ( I also noticed SF has reintroduced the Stradivari. Not impressed with the new look? I guess I admire Serblin SF than current SF. |
- 54 posts total