Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.

I just checked my speaker connections. All using bananas, all nice and tight.

The number of times I’ve had spades get loose instead though.....

Point is, and it really is kind of a tongue in cheek thing, bananas beat spades for long term reliability in almost all setups.  If you have to use a Cardas or Mundorf speaker terminal to ensure your spades stay tight it kind of proves my point.


@drmuso You’ve had better luck than I have then. I don’t clean connectors after insertion though I’m too busy for that. :)

I have however gone through several pairs of speakers and moved frequently,  and I used to do more experiments with speaker cables until I settled on Mogami.

Yes, spades do have more surface area than banana plugs in general, but if one does not make good contact you are still going to have more contact resistance.

@lanx0003  Exactly my point.

Of course, I don't' really care what A'goners actually DO in their system.  Just wanted to express my experience and why this is a banana friendly household.

PS - I like crimp-on spades for barrier strips a lot.  The main difference there is the spades are soft, and screwed down. They're perfectly fine inside equipment.

@hilde45  Bananas are not actually meant for gorillas.  🤣

So what do you use instead??

Hey! I resemble that remark!

I have some cables with spades. I have some cables with bananas on them. When they break, I strip the wire and thread them through the hole.

My point is that it bananas can break. My AQ cable now lacks two of four bananas.