Unlike many musicians, we have this bug tha t craves good sound.
How about this take? Musicians produce the sound. Stereos try to reproduce it. Reproductions have inherent flaws and those flaws can draw one’s attention from the music and to the sound.
For reproductions that are "perfect", hi-res system really shine. For those that are not, maybe it’s better to gloss over things a little. So the flaws are not so noticeable.
Second, as audiophiles, attuned to hearing differences in components, we are our own worst enemy. Consider the people who are happy listening to some crap Bluetooth speakers. Ignorance is bliss.
Third, reproduction is subject to interpretation. Tell 10 artists to paint a given sunset and all 10 paintings will look different. Which one do you like the best? Buy does anyone ever complain about a sunset being too washing out, too bright, etc etc.?